Weekly Goals
Week of 2022-11-14
- Writing
- Crack 53,000 on #1239b draft
- Cover letter for poems to S.Y.
- Health
- Back on track with alternating hungry / normal weeks
Week of 2022-11-07
Crack 47,000 words on #1239b draft- Get #oregano and #guarantee out to 2 more markets each
Ended up rethinking this, going to put the work into poems.
- [ ] 3 walks
This is effectively impossible until I'm not single-dadding any more.
- [ ] 3 walks
Week of 2022-10-31
- Writing
Crack 42,000 words on #1239b draft- Get #oregano and #guarantee out to 2 more markets each
Get #glasseshalfempty ready to launch
- Health
- [ ] 3 walks